From: "ANDY AGER, PHISHING FOR SPRING" <89197@lawrence.edu>
Subject: Madison Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey pholks!  We are now returned (but not recovered) from a 2-day Phishing
trip.  WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!  To begin, here are the setlists:
Barrymore Theatre, Madison, WI 
April 30, 1992

Sorry, no setlist for the Aquarium Rescue Unit--we really don't have that
figured out yet.....
They Jammed--quite hectically!!!!!!  The bassist is not only an amazing
bass player, but can scat like nobody's business!  Very bluesy and jazzy.
Anyways, on to PHISH!!!!!!
        The Curtain--really old tune! Page told us on Friday that they did
this tune before he was in the band--it was written by the percussionist,
and that the part that they do now is only a portion of the original. It 
jammed most wonderfully!  We loved it!!!  Maze had a very intense jam in it.
Trey was going all over his guitar!  Rift was excellent, wow!  It was our
first live Esther--we were very, werry, Psyched!!  Ok, here's the biggie:
Run Like An Antelope--Damn!!!!!!!!!!!It was not of this earth.  The boys
just went completely OFF!!!  We can't think of any words to really describe
this jam.  WOW!  
        GLide--neat!  Tweezer had a mystery trombone player who stood behind
Fish and jammed in the beginning.  Who was he? Anyone? Could it have been the
Dude of Life???  Oh, yeah!  During Glide, Trey and Mike were doing these
bizarre hand and arm motions for a while, like triangles and halos and other
stuph above their heads.  Looking blissed-out while they were doing so.  
You Enjoy Myself was good, but the key part was the vocal jam, which was very
melodic, and smoother than usual.  However, one of the main riffs they used
was the Christmas song of the little people from "The Grinch Who Stole 
Christmas"!!!!!!!  Silent in the Morning was really good.  Chalkdust rocked!
Harry Hood was very, very tight.  Also, another first for us.  Tweezer Reprise
is a really awesome way to end a show!!!!
        Overall, the show was really just amazing.  It had a slightly different
feel than the last Barrymore show, which was during the Madison Harvest Fest.
We had four people with us who had never seen Phish before, and they all loved
the show!!  They even knew the language cues--we listened to Portsmouth in the
car.  They are now ophishial Phish converts.

                Phish On!!!

                ---Andy and Jeff, Bouncing around Appleton, WI!

ps:email addresses phor us:
        Andy: 89197@lawrence.edu
        Jeff: 89196@lawrence.edu
