From: brian.g.feller@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: East Lansing, 5-3-92

 Howdy Pholks! Great show IMHO. The MSU Ballroom was
small, but it seemed like everyone who needed to
get in did. There were even extras floating around.
There was minimal security and no hassles as far
as I can see. Here are the sets:
  Possum: they did the Sing A Random Note thing but noone
really caught it. I think they need to explain the language
more often, the level of participation on all the language
stuff was low.
 Split Open and Melt raged (Mike smiled a couple of times!)
The rest of the first set was great, but my mind is floating
towards set two, which was Phenomenal. Since there was no
smoking allowed in the Union, a lot of Pholks ventured onto
campus, and there were many circular gatherings between 
sets. Everyone was ready for things just in time for the
lights to go down.
  I think they weren't going by much of a predetermined
set list for number two, and Trey said, "Let's see what
happens" right before starting Tweezer. If I remember
correctly, Tweezer lasted about 16 minutes, and was
inspired. Fluffhead was more than huge, perhaps even
repulsively titanic. 
  After the Asse Festival, they stopped and did some
of the Language stuff, which included AW FUCK!, drop to
the ground, and also the one where everyone points to
the guy in the front row. The band pointed at this guy, and
the rest of us in the front pointed soon after, thenm we stayed
in that position for a minute, and it was WEIRD!
 I could go on but I don't want to bore y' all. It really
was a great show, and the band was way into it. Mike was
hanging out afterwards, talking to Pholks, and the scene
was very mellow. See you in the Motor City!
Brian G. Feller@um.cc.umich.edu
"Smegma domanogram(sp) fishmarket stew,
 Police in the city, beatin on you.
 Apple toast bed heated fur blanket rat,
 Laugh when they hit you say 'please don't do that!"
                    Trey 5-2-92 Chicago
Is It for this my life I sought?
Maybe so and maybe not

From: roek@frith.egr.msu.edu
Subject: East Lansing

5/3/92, Michigan State University Union Ballroom, E. Lansing, MI

First of all, the band spaced on the time change and showed up while the 
crew was soundchecking (Andrew: "Welcome to the Eastern Time Zone").
The show smoked all the way!  They've got a cool new jam they started
(I think) in Milwaukee during It's Ice.  Rift is emerging as one of the
HOTTEST of the new tunes (except of course the new Ska version of NICU!).

Set II picked up where the Runaway Jim left off...out of control.  Page
had piano problems at the beginning of Fluffhead and played the first 
couple minutes on organ.  During the stop after The Asse Festival, Trey 
quietly gave the signal followed by four descending notes.  Not very many 
people caught it, but I don't think the Midwest really knows the 
Language yet.  The disco ball came out during Weekapaug.  Chris had to pay 
some guy $6/hour to operate the disco ball for this one song, but he
wanted it so it happened.  The audience was EXTREMELY quiet during the 
A-cappella encore tunes, and the Tweezer Reprise was the perfect end.

There was A LOT of people seeing the band for the first time here 
(probably 70-80%) but they all seemed really into it, and the mailing
list kept growing.

