Subject: 5/9/89 - The Front

   This was the infamous "Tape Release Party" night.  We knew that the 
first-ever PHISH tape was to be available.  The anticipation was 
frightening.  Some of us headed down early to check things out.  Not too 
much was happening, but as usual, there were some folks having a couple 
in the Outback.  The band wasn't really there either.  Eventually, we 
decided to lay down the 3 bucks or whatever and head in to the Front.  We 
had to go back around to the front door to pay the cover because it was 
still a little early.  We went in as we wanted to hear the new tape.  
Paul had a box of them at the board.  Myself and Nutsy pulled out some 
cash and began to set up our deck.  Paul came over to say hello and we 
asked for a couple of copies.  I don't recall the price ($7 perhaps).  To 
get to the heart of the matter, Paul brought us the first two copies of 
"Junta."  Nutsy got the first-ever, but I had the sense to have the band 
autograph mine.  I still don't know who "Hank" is.  
   Oh yeah, the show.
Sofi and Joe's appearance in the second set was very... fun.  Something 
profound was felt by all.  After Harpua and Whipping Post it was nice to 
go out in to the cool evening air and stretch out.  I also bought some 
shirt that night.  Another first.
   Thankfully, I still have both the autographed tape and the shirt.  I 
just wish that I had slipped past Nutsy.